![Udomchai Techavipoo](images/techavipoo.jpg)
Udomchai Techavipoo, Ph.D
Research Assistant
Department Affiliations
Medical PhysicsElectrical and Computer Engineering
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
- MSEE, Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1999
- B.Eng., Electrical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 1994
Research Interests:
Ultrasound Imaging, Ultrasound ElastographyDoctoral Research Advisor:
Tomy Varghese, Ph.DDoctoral Dissertation:
Ultrasound Elastographic Imaging of Thermal Lesions and Temperature Profiles During Radiofrequency Ablation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004.Positions
- 01/2001-05/2004, Research Assistant, Department of Medical Physics
- 2004-2009, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
- 2009-Present, Researcher, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand
Awards and Honors
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publications @ UW
- W. Liu J.A. Zagzebski, T. Varghese, C.R. Dyer, U. Techavipoo, and T. J. Hall "Segmentation of elastographic images using a coarse-to-fine active contour model", Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 32, No.3, pp. 397-408, March 2006. (PMCID: PMC1764611)
- S. Bharat, U. Techavipoo, M.Z. Kiss, W. Liu, and T. Varghese, Monitoring Stiffness Changes in Lesions after Radiofrequency Ablation at Different Temperatures and Durations of Ablation, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 415-422, 2005. [Abstract]
- U. Techavipoo, Q. Chen, T. Varghese, "Ultrasonic noninvasive temperature estimation using echoshift gradient maps: simulation results", Ultrasonic Imaging Vol. 27, No.3, pp. 166-180, July 2005.
- U. Techavipoo, T. Varghese, Improvements in Elastographic Contrast to Noise Ratio Using Spatial-Angular Compounding, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 529-536, 2005. (PMCID: PMC1440923), [Abstract]
- Q. Chen, A. L. Gerig, U. Techavipoo, J.A. Zagzebski, and T. Varghese, Correlation of RF Signal in Angular Compounding, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 961-970, 2005. (PMCID: PMC1479311) [Abstract]
Techavipoo, T. Varghese,
Wavelet denoising
of displacement estimates in elastography, Ultrasound in Medicine and
Biology, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 477-491, 2004. [Abstract]
- T.
Varghese, U.
Techavipoo, J.A. Zagzebski,
and F.T. Lee Jr., Impact of gas bubbles generated during interstitial
ablation on elastographic depiction of in vitro thermal lesions,
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 535-544, 2004. [Abstract]
- U.
Techavipoo, T.
J.A. Zagzebski,
Q. Chen, and W. Liu, Semiautomated thermal lesion segmentation for
three-dimensional elastographic imaging, Ultrasound in Medicine and
Biology, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 655-664, 2004. [Abstract]
- U.
Techavipoo, Q.
Chen, T. Varghese,
Zagzebski, and E.L. Madsen, Noise Reduction Using Spatial-Angular
Compounding for Elastography, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics
Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 510-520,
2004. [Abstract]
- U.
Techavipoo, T.
Q.Chen, T.A.
Stiles, J.A. Zagzebski, and G.R. Frank, Temperature dependence of
ultrasonic propagation speed and attenuation in excised canine liver
tissue measured using transmitted and reflected pulses, J Acoust Soc
Am. Vol. 115, No.6, pp. 2859-65, 2004. [Abstract]
W. Liu, U.
Techavipoo, T.
Varghese, J.A.
Zagzebski, Q.Chen, and F.T. Lee Jr., Elastographic versus x-ray CT
imaging of radio frequency ablation coagulations: an in vitro study,
Medical Physics. Vol. 31, No.6, pp. 1322-1332, 2004. [Abstract]
- U.Techavipoo, Q. Chen, T. Varghese, and J.A. Zagzebski, Estimation of Displacement Vectors and Strain Tensors in Elastography Using Angular Insonifications, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 1479-1489, 2004.[Abstract]
T. Varghese,
U. Techavipoo, W. Liu, J.A.
Zagzebski, Q. Chen, G. Frank and F.T. Lee Jr., Elastographic
measurement of the area and volume of thermal lesions resulting from
radiofrequency ablation: pathologic correlation, AJR, Vol. 181, No. 3,
pp. 701-707, 2003.[Abstract]
- T. Varghese, J.A. Zagzebski, Q. Chen, U. Techavipoo, G. Frank, C. Johnson, A. Wright and F.T. Lee Jr., Ultrasound monitoring of temperature change during radio frequency ablation: Preliminary in-vivo results, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 321-329, 2002. [Abstract]
- U. Techavipoo, T. Varghese, J.A. Zagzebski, T.A. Stiles and G. Frank, Temperature Dependence of Ultrasonic Propagation Speed and Attenuation in Canine Tissue, Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 24, pp. 246-260, 2002. [Abstract]
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