While many buildings on campus have relaxed their face covering policies, due to the nature of the work being done in SMPH buildings, masks are still required in many areas of HSLC and WIMR, regardless of vaccination status. Areas where patients are treated are still highly regulated, and appropriate face coverings are required to be worn in any area where one might come into contact with a patient.
The map below shows areas (highlighted in yellow) in the basement and first floor of WIMR, and the first floor of HSLC where masks are required regardless of vaccination status. These include clinical spaces for Medical Physics and/or where clinical researchers work with study participants in person. Additionally, spaces where patients would pass through when accessing those areas for treatment, such as hallways, lobbies 1st floor corridors, and entryways that connect directly to UW Hospital, will also require face coverings to be worn by all faculty, staff, students, and patients alike.
Stay safe!