Andrew L. Alexander
Credentials: PhD
Position title: Professor, Medical Physics and Psychiatry
Director of MRI Imaging, Waisman Brain Imaging Lab, Vice Chair for Faculty
Phone: 608/265-8233
T-225 Waisman Center
Andrew Alexander is a primary advisor in the Department of Medical Physics.

Department Affiliations
Medical Physics
BS, University of Maine, ME, 1987
MS, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1990
PhD, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1994
Research Interest
My research is focused on the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for mapping and measuring the functional and structural organization of the human brain. These techniques are being used to investigate the brain in both typically developing individuals and subjects with developmental disorders including autism. Functional MRI (fMRI) is used to assess brain regions associated with cognition and affect and their dysfunctions in these populations. Diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) is being used to study the patterns of structural connectivity between brain activity regions. Anatomic imaging methods are used to assess longitudinal structural changes in brain regions. These measurements are ultimately compared with measures of affect, behavior and cognition in specific population groups.
- 2001-2006, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-School of Medicine and Public Health, Departments of Medical Physics and Psychiatry
- 2001-Present, 2001-Present, Director of MR Physics, Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, University of Wisconsin-School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI
- 2006-2012, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-School of Medicine & Public Health, Departments of Medical Physics and Psychiatry.
- 2012-Present, Professor, University of Wisconsin-School of Medicine & Public Health, Departments of Medical Physics and Psychiatry.
- US Patent 6,674,894 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENHANCING AN IMAGE USING DATA OPTIMIZATION AND SEGMENTATION [Inventors: Dennis L. Parker, Andrew L. Alexander, John A. Roberts, Brian Chapman]
- Lee JE, Chung MK, Lazar M, DuBray MB, Kim J, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE, Alexander AL. (2009) A study of diffusion tensor imaging by tissue-specific, smoothing-compensated voxel-based analysis. Neuroimage. Feb 1;44(3):870-83.
- Jung Y, Samsonov AA, Block WF, Lazar M, Lu A, Liu J, Alexander AL. (2009) 3D diffusion tensor MRI with isotropic resolution using a steady-state radial acquisition. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. May;29(5):1175-84.
- Bendlin BB, Ries ML, Lazar M, Alexander AL, Dempsey RJ, Rowley HA, Sherman JE, Johnson SC. (2008) Longitudinal changes in patients with traumatic brain injury assessed with diffusion-tensor and volumetric imaging. Neuroimage. 2008 Aug 15;42(2):503-14.
- Wu YC, Field AS, Alexander AL. (2008) Computation of diffusion function measures in q-space using magnetic resonance hybrid diffusion imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Jun;27(6):858-65.
- Ferrarelli F, Massimini M, Peterson MJ, Riedner BA, Lazar M, Murphy MJ, Huber R, Rosanova M, Alexander AL, Kalin N, Tononi G.(2008) Reduced evoked gamma oscillations in the frontal cortex in schizophrenia patients: a TMS/EEG study. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2008 Aug;165(8):996-1005.
- Kelley DJ, Oakes TR, Greischar LL, Chung MK, Ollinger JM, Alexander AL, Shelton SE, Kalin NH, Davidson RJ. (2008) Automatic physiological waveform processing for FMRI noise correction and analysis. PLoS ONE. Mar 12;3(3):e1751.
- Kelley DJ, Farhoud M, Meyerand ME, Nelson DL, Ramirez LF, Dempsey RJ, Wolf AJ, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ. (2007) Creating physical 3D stereolithograph models of brain and skull. PLoS ONE. Oct 31;2(10):e1119.
- Thottakara P, Lazar M, Johnson SC, Alexander AL. Application of Brodmann’s area templates for ROI selection in white matter tractography studies. Neuroimage 29(3):868-878 (2006).
- The Brain During Life in Autism: Advances in Neuroimaging Research. Book Chapter. Lainhart JE, Lazar M, Bigler ED, Alexander AL. In Recent Developments in Autism Research. Casanova MF, editor. Nova Science Publishers (2005).
- Lazar M, Lee JH, Alexander AL. Consistent cylindrical asymmetries in the diffusion tensor of the human brain. Magn Reson Med 54(4): 860-7 (2005).
- Lazar M, Alexander AL. Bootstrap white matter tractography (BOOT-TRAC). Neuroimage 24:524-32 (2005).