T. Rockwell Mackie
Credentials: Ph.D.
Position title: Emeritus Professor, Medical Physics and Human Oncology; Director, Medical Devices Focus Area, Morgridge Institute for Research
Email: trmackie@wisc.edu
Phone: 608/212-0665
Department of Medical Physics, Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research, 1111 Highland Avenue, Room 1005, Madison, WI 53705

B.S., Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK
Ph.D., Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB
Department Affilations
Medical Physics, Human Oncology, Biomedical Engineering
- Professor, Departments of Medical Physics and Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin-School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI.
- Director, Medical Devices Focus Area, Morgridge Institute for Research, University of Wisconsin
- Co-founder, Chairman of the Board, Tomotherapy Inc., Madison, WI
Research Interests
Dr. Mackie’s career has been focused on planning and delivery of radiation therapy to cancer patients. His group developed the 3-D treatment planning system that became the Philips Pinnacle treatment planning system, the most widely used radiation therapy treatment planning system in the world. His group was also the developer of tomotherapy, which is the marriage of a linac and a CT scanner. More recently, Rock has been active in development of a compact proton therapy machine for treating cancer.
Awards and Honors
- Fellow, American Association of Physicists in Medicine
- Honorable Membership, European Society of Therapeutic Radiology
- Papanikolaou N;Mackie T R;Meger-wells C;Gehring M;Reckwerdt P Investigation of the convolution method for polyenergetic spectra Medical Physics 20 1327-36 1993 Sep-oct;
- Mackie T R;Holmes T;Swerdloff S;Reckwerdt P;Deasy J O;Yang J;Paliwal B;Kinsella T Tomotherapy: a new concept for the delivery of dynamic conformal radiotherapy Medical Physics 20 1709-19 1993 Nov-dec;
- Holmes T;Mackie T R A filtered backprojection dose calculation method for inverse treatment planning Medical Physics 21 303-13 1994 Feb;
- Wells C M;Mackie T R;Podgorsak M B;Holmes M A;Papanikolaou N;Reckwerdt P J;Cygler J;Rogers D W;Bielajew A F;Schmidt D G;Et Al Measurements of the electron dose distribution near inhomogeneities using a plastic scintillation detector International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 29 1157-65 1994 Jul 30;
- Holmes T W;Mackie T R;Reckwerdt P An iterative filtered backprojection inverse treatment planning algorithm for tomotherapy International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 32 1215-25 1995 Jul 15;
- Holmes T;Mackie T R A comparison of three inverse treatment planning algorithms Physics In Medicine and Biology 39 91-106 1994 Jan;
- Kubsad S S;Mackie T R;Gehring M A;Misisco D J;Paliwal B R;Mehta M P;Kinsella T J Monte carlo and convolution dosimetry for stereotactic radiosurgery International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 19 1027-35 1990 Oct;
- Holmes T;Mackie T R;Simpkin D;Reckwerdt P A unified approach to the optimization of brachytherapy and external beam dosimetry International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 20 859-73 1991 Apr;
- Thomason C;Mackie T R;Lindstrom M J;Higgins P D The dose distribution surrounding 192ir and 137cs seed sources Physics In Medicine and Biology 36 475-93 1991 Apr;
- Thomason C;Mackie T R;Lindstrom M J Effect of source encapsulation on the energy spectra of 192ir and 137cs seed sources Physics In Medicine and Biology 36 495-505 1991 Apr;
- Gehring M A;Mackie T R;Kubsad S S;Paliwal B R;Mehta M P;Kinsella T J A three-dimensional volume visualization package applied to stereotactic radiosurgery treatment planning International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 21 491-500 1991 Jul;
- Mehta M P;Rozental J M;Levin A B;Mackie T R;Kubsad S S;Gehring M A;Kinsella T J Defining the role of radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 24 619-25 1992;
- Beddar A S;Mackie T R;Attix F H Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for high-energy beam dosimetry: i physical characteristics and theoretical consideration Physics In Medicine and Biology 37 1883-900 1992 Oct;
- Beddar A S;Mackie T R;Attix F H Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for high-energy beam dosimetry: ii properties and measurements Physics In Medicine and Biology 37 1901-13 1992 Oct;
- Holmes M A;Mackie T R;Sohn W;Reckwerdt P J;Kinsella T J;Bielajew A F;Rogers D W The application of correlated sampling to the computation of electron beam dose distributions in heterogeneous phantoms using the monte carlo method Physics In Medicine and Biology 38 675-88 1993 Jun;
- Thomadsen B R;Kubsad S S;Paliwal B R;Shahabi S;Mackie T R On the cause of the variation in tissue-maximum ratio values with source-to-detector distance Medical Physics 20 723-7 1993 May-jun
- Schubert, L. K., D. C. Westerly, et al. (2009). “A Comprehensive Assessment by Tumor Site of Patient Setup Using Daily Mvct Imaging from More Than 3,800 Helical Tomotherapy Treatments.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 73(4): 1260-1269.
- Sengbusch, E., A. Perez-Andujar, et al. (2009). “Maximum proton kinetic energy and patient-generated neutron fluence considerations in proton beam arc delivery radiation therapy.” Medical Physics 36(2): 364-372.
- Caporaso, G. J., T. R. Mackie, et al. (2008). “A compact linac for intensity modulated proton therapy based on a dielectric wall accelerator.” Physica Medica 24(2): 98-101
- Alfonso, R., P. Andreo, et al. (2008). “A new formalism for reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields.” Medical Physics 35(11): 5179-5186.
- Kissick, M. W., R. T. Flynn, et al. (2008). “On the impact of longitudinal breathing motion randomness for tomotherapy delivery.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(18): 4855-4873
- Flynn, R. T., S. R. Bowen, et al. (2008). “Intensity-modulated x-ray (IMXT) versus proton (IMPT) therapy for theragnostic hypoxia-based dose painting.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(15): 4153-4167
- Murphy, S., A. Gutierrez, et al. (2008). “Laparoscopically Implanted Tissue Expander Radiotherapy in canine transitional cell carcinoma.” Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 49(4): 400-405.
- Flynn, R. T., M. W. Kissick, et al. (2008). “The impact of linac output variations on dose distributions in helical tomotherapy.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(2): 417-430.
- Becker, S. J., R. R. Patel, et al. (2007). “Increased skin dose with the use of a custom mattress for prone breast radiotherapy.” Medical Dosimetry 32(3): 196-199.
- Flynn, R. T., D. L. Barbee, et al. (2007). “Comparison of intensity modulated x-ray therapy and intensity modulated proton therapy for selective subvolume boosting: a phantom study.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 52: 6073-6091.
- Gutierrez, A., M. Deveau, et al. (2007). “Simultaneous integrated boost for canine nasal tumors using helical tomotherapy: A radiobiological and treatment planning study.” Medical Physics 34(6): 2567-2567.
- Gutierrez, A. N., M. Deveau, et al. (2007). “Radiobiological and treatment planning study of a simultaneously integrated boost for canine nasal tumors using helical tomotherapy.” Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 48: 594-602.
- Gutierrez, A. N., D. C. Westerly, et al. (2007). “Whole brain radiotherapy with hippocampal avoidance and simultaneously integrated brain metastases boost: A planning study.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 69: 589-597.
- Hong, T. S., J. S. Welsh, et al. (2007). “Megavoltage computed tomography – An emerging tool for image-guided radiotherapy.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology-Cancer Clinical Trials 30(6): 617-623.
- Jaradat, H., B. Paliwal, et al. (2007). “Validation of tomotherapy machine matching procedure at the University of Wisconsin.” Medical Physics 34(6): 2503-2503.
- Kissick, M. W., R. T. Flynn, et al. (2007). “On the making of sharp longitudinal dose profiles with helical tomotherapy.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 52: 6497-6510.
- Mackie, T. R. and W. Tome (2008). “Advanced image-guided external beam radiotherapy.” Cancer Treat Res 139: 7-39.
- Patel, R. R., S. J. Becker, et al. (2007). “A dosimetric comparison of accelerated partial breast irradiation techniques: Multicatheter interstitial brachytherapy, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, and supine versus prone helical tomotherapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 68(3): 935-942.
- Zhang, T. Z., W. G. Lu, et al. (2007). “Breathing-synchronized delivery: A potential four-dimensional tomotherapy treatment technique.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 68: 1572-1578.