Educational Demonstration Competition

Do you have an effective way to explain an important medical physics concept? Do you want to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in the next generation of skilled medical physicists? Are you motivated by the potential to earn a scholarship for your creativity and ingenuity?

The Outreach Committee invites you to enter the 1st ever medical physics department competition for educational demonstrations! Entrants will create self-contained educational material that can be used to teach someone about a medical physics concept. The competition will culminate in an exhibition in which students will present their demonstrations and the winners will be chosen. Consider aesthetics, ease-of-use, and audience appropriateness in addition to scientific accuracy.

Demonstrations can be physical, virtual, or a combination of the two. We aim to be as open-ended as possible and allow many interpretations of what a “demonstration” can be.

The demonstration exhibition will be open to the department and take place on Monday, September 9 during the first seminar of the fall 2024 semester. Friends and family welcome!



Scholarship Awards

1st in Category: $200
2nd in Category: $100
3rd in Category: $50

Overall Honorable Mention: $50


All medical physics students are welcome to enter.

All entries must be original work or contain a substantial contribution to existing work.

The competition includes two categories: demonstrations should have a target audience of EITHER the general public (K-12 and beyond), OR higher education (undergraduate and graduate students).

Teams no larger than 5 students will be allowed (award will be split).

Cost of materials should not exceed $50.

Multiple entries may be submitted.

All entrants are highly encouraged to make their demonstrations available for use by the department for classes and outreach efforts. You will be contacted later to facilitate this.