Jonathan W. Engle
Credentials: PhD
Position title: Associate Professor, Medical Physics and Radiology
Phone: 608-263-5805
B1143 WIMR
- Jonathan Engle on ORCID

Jonathan Engle is a primary advisor in the Department of Medical Physics.
M.S./Ph.D., Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
B.S, Physics, University of Utah, 2007
M.Ed., Science and Technology, University of Utah, 2006
B.A., Religion, Islamic Political Science, Colorado College, 2002
Department Affilations
Medical Physics
- 2016-Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2014-Present, Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 2012-2014, Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 2011-Present, Associate, Cyclomedical Applications Group
- 2007-2011, Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Mosby M, Birnbaum E R, Nortier F M, Engle J W (2017). Cross sections for proton-induced reactions on natSb up to 68 MeV. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, 412, 34-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.08.038.
- Hermanne A, Ignatyuk A V, Capote R, Carlson B V, Engle J W, Kellet M A, Kibédi T, Kim G, Kondev F G, Hussain M, Lebeda O, Luca A, Nagai Y, Naik H, Nichols A L, Nortier F M, Suranarayana S V, Takács S, Tárkányi F T, Verpelli M (2018). Reference Cross Sections for Charged-particle Monitor Reactions. Nuclear Data Sheets, Accepted December 2017.
- Shen S, Jiang D, Cheng L, Chao Y, Nie K, Dong Z, Kutyreff C J, Engle J W, Huang P, Cai W, Liu Z (2017). Renal-clearable ultra-small coordination polymer nanodots for chelator-free 64Cu labeling and imaging-guided enhanced radiotherapy of cancer. ACS Nano, 11, 9103-9111.
- Graves S A, Valdovinos H F, Barnhart T E, Ellison P A, Engle J W, Nickles R J (2017). Half life of 51Mn. Physical Review C, 96, 014613.
- Radchenko V, Engle J W, Medvedev D, Maassen J, Naranjo C, Unc G, Meyer C, Mastren T, Brugh M, Mausner L, Cutler C, Birnbaum E R, John K D, Nortier F M, Fassbender M E (2017). Proton induced production and radiochemical isolation of 44Ti from scandium metal targets for 44Ti/44Sc generator development. Nuclear Medicine Biology, 50, 25-32.
- Ferrier M G, Stein B W, Batista E R, Berg J M, Engle J W, John K D, Kozimor S A, Lezama-Pacheco J S, Redman L N (2017). Synthesis and characterization of the actinium aquo ion. ACS Cent Sci, 3(3), 176-185.
- Fieser M E, Ferrier M G, Su J, Batista E, Engle J W, Evans W J, Pacheco L, Kozimor S A, Olson A C, Wagner G L, Vitova T, Yang P (2016). Evaluating the electronic structure of formal LnII ions in LnII(C5H4SiMe3)31– complexes using XANES spectroscopy and DFT calculations. Manuscript in preparation.
- Ferrier M, Batista E, Berg J, Birnbaum E, Cross J, Engle J W, La Pierre H, Kozimor S, Pacheco J L, Stein B, Stieber S C, Wilson J (2016). Spectroscopic and computational investigation of actinium coordination chemistry. Nature Communications, in press.
- Mosby M, Engle J W, Jackman K R, Nortier F M, Birnbaum E R (2016). Determination of spallation neutron flux through spectral adjustment techniques. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, in press.
- Griswold J R, Medvedev, D G, Engle J W, Copping R, Fitzsimmons J M, Radchenko V, Cooley J C, Fassbender M E, Denton D L, Murphy K E, Owens A C, Birnbaum E R, John K D, Nortier F M, Stracener D W, Heilbronn L H, Mausner L F, Mirzadeh S. (2016). Large scale accelerator production of 225Ac: Effective cross sections for 78-192 MeV protons incident on 232Th targets. Applied Radiation Isotopes. In press.
- Radchenko V R, Engle J W, Wilson J J, Maassen J R, Nortier F M, Birnbaum E R, Kohn K D, Fassbender M E (2016). Formation cross-sections and chromatographic separation of protactinium isotopes formed in proton-irradiated thorium metal. Radiochimica Acta, published online January 12, 2016.
- Engle J W, Mashnik S G, Parker L A, Jackman K R, Bitteker L B, Ullmann J L, Gulley M S, Pillai C, John K D, Birnbaum E R, and Nortier F M (2016). Nuclear excitation functions from 40-200 MeV proton irradiation of terbium. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, 366(1), 206-216.
- Croce M P, Rabin M W, Mocko V, Kunde G J, Birnbaum E R, Bond E M, Engle J W, Hoover A S, Nortier F M, Pollington A D, Taylor W A, Weisse-Bernstein N R, Hays-Wehle J P, Schmidt D R, Swetz D S, Ullom J N, Barnhart T E, Nickles R J (2015). Development of holmium-163 electron-capture spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors. Journal of Low Temperature Detectors, published online January 2016, DOI:10.1007/s10909-015-1451-2.
- Mocko V, Taylor W A, Nortier F M, Engle J W, Barnhart T E, Nickles R J, Pollington A D, Kunde G J, Rabin M W, Birnbaum E R (2015). Isolation of 163Ho from dysprosium target material by HPLC for neutrino mass measurements. Radiochimica Acta, 103(8), 565-576.
- Wilson J J, Ferrier M, Radchenko V, Maassen J R, Engle J W, Batista E R, Martin R L, John K D, Birnbaum E R (2015). Evaluation of nitrogen-rich macrycyclic ligands for the chelation of therapeutic bismuth radioisotopes. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 42(5), 428-438.
- Radchenko V, Engle J W, Wilson J J, Maassen J R, Nortier F M, Taylor W A, Birnbaum E R, Hudston L A, John K D and Fassbender M E (2015). Application of ion exchange and extraction chromatography to the separation of actinium from proton-irradiated thorium metal for analytical purposes. Journal of Chromatography A, 1380, 55-63.
- Marus, L A, Engle, J W, Kohn K D, Birnbaum E R, Nortier F M (2015). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 354, 48-52.
- Converse A K, Ahlers E O, Bryan T W, Hetue J D, Lake K A, Ellison P A, Engle J W, Barnhart T E, Nickles R J, Williams P H, DeJesus O T (2015). Mathematical modeling of positron emission tomography (PET) data to assess radiofluoride transport living plants following petiolar administration. Plant Methods, 11, 18.