Bhudatt R. Paliwal
Credentials: Ph.D.
Position title: Emeritus Professor, Human Oncology and Medical Physics
Phone: 608/263-8514
J5/M158 Clinical Science Center, Mail 1590
UW-Medical Physics, Radiation Therapy Physics
Madison, WI 53705

M.S., Physics, Sri Aurobindo International Ctr. of Ed., India
Ph.D., Biophysics, University of Texas, Houston
Department Affilations
Medical Physics
Human Oncology
- 1959-1962, Fellowship in Advanced Studies of the Centre International D’Education
- 1963-1964, Assistant Professor of Department of Science and Math, India
- 1964-1965, WHO Fellowship Award through the Indian Atomic Energy Agency
- 1965-1969, Chief of Radiological Physics Section, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, India
- 1969-1970, IAEA Fellowship, Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
- 1970-1973, Resident in Exp. Radiation Therapy, M.D., Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
- 1973-1979, Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1974-1979, Assistant Director of Midwest Center for Radiologic Physics, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1975-1979, Assistant Professor of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1979-1983, Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1979-1981, Associate Director of Midwest Center for Radiologic Physics, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1979-present, Director of Dept. of Human Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, Section of Radiation Therapy Physics, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1983-1984, Prof. of Human Oncology & Radiology, Dept of Human Oncology, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1984-present, Professor of Human Oncology, Dept. of Human Oncology, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 1984-present, Professor of Medical Physics, Dept. of Medical Physics, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Awards and Honors
- Ramaiah Naidu Memorial Oration (RNMO) Award of the The Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPI)
- Distinguished Alumni Award for the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
- Marvin MD William Award of the American College of Medical Physics
- William D. Coolidge Award of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
- Sheng K, Jeraj R, Shaw R, Mackie T, and Paliwal B. Imaging dose management using multi-resolution in CT -guided radiation therapy. Physics Med Biol 2005; 50(6): 1205-1219.
- Manon R, Jaradat H. Patel R, Zhang T, Fenwick J, Tome W, Fowler J, Paliwal B, Soisson Em, Yuan Z, and Mehta M. Potential for radiotherapy technology innovations to permit dose escalation for non-small cell lung cancer. Clin. Lung Cancer 2005; 7(2): 107-113.
- Welsh J, Lock M, Harari P, Tome W, Fowler J, Mackie T, Ritter M, Kapatoes J, Forrest L, Chappell R, Paliwal B, Mehta M. Clinical Implementation Of Adaptive Helical Tomotherapy: A Unique Approach To Image-Guided Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2006; 5(5): 465-79.
- Tewatia D, Zang T, Tome W, Paliwal B, Mehta M. Clinical implementation of target tracking by breathing synchronized delivery. Med Physics 2006; 33(11): 4330-6.
- Gentry J, Steeves R, Paliwal B. Inverse Planning of Energy-Modulated Electron Beams in Radiotherapy. Medical Dosimetry 2006; 31(4): 259-268.
- Thomas S, Morin R, Paliwal B. Maintenance of Certification in Radiologic Physics. Journal of the American College of Radiology 2006.
- Paliwal B. Medical physics practice in the next decade. J Med Phys, Official Publication of Association of Medical Physicists of India 2006; 31(3): 98-108.
- Sheng K, Jeraj R, Shaw R, Mackie T, and Paliwal B. Imaging dose management using multi-resolution in CT-guided radiation therapy. Phys Med Biol 2005;50(6):1205-1219.
- Manon R, Jaradat H, Patel R, Zhang T, Fenwick J, Tome W, Fowler J, Paliwal B, Soisson Em, Yuan Z, and Mehta, M. Potential for radiotherapy technology innovations to permit dose escalation for non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer 2005;7(2):107-113.
- L Xu, T Zhang, B Paliwal. Generic Motion Kernels for Treatment Planning Incorporating Interfraction Motion. Medical Physics 2005; 32: 1927.
- R Pyzalski, C Jaskowiak, W Tome, T Mackie, B Paliwal. Deformable Fusion of 4D PET Images Medical Physics 2005; 32: 2082.
- K Sheng, R Shaw, R Jeraj, T Mackie, B Paliwal. Slice Based Image Guidance with Tomotherapy. Med Phys 2005; 32: 1893.
- Manon R, Jaradat H, Patel R, Zhang T, Fenwick J, Tom W, Fowler J, Paliwal B, Soisson Em, Yuan Z, Mehta, M. Potential for radiotherapy technology innovations to permit dose escalation for non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer 2005; 7(2):107-113.
- Sheng K, Jeraj R, Shaw R, Mackie T, and Paliwal B. Imaging dose management using multi-resolution in CT-guided radiation therapy. Phys Med Biol 2005; 50(6):1205-1219.
- Fenwick J, Tome W, Jadarat H, Hui S, James J, Balog J, DeSouza C, Lucas D, Olivera G, Mackie T, and Paliwal B. Quality assurance of a helical tomotherapy machine. Phys Med Biol. 49(13):2933-53, 2004.
- Zhang T, Orton N, Mackie T, Paliwal B. Technical note: A novel boundary condition using contact elements for finite element based deformable image registration. Medical Physics Journal, 2004 31(8): in press.
- Zhang T, Jeraj R, Keller H, Lu W, Olivera GH, McNutt TR, Mackie TR, Paliwal B.: Treatment plan optimization incorporating respiratory motion. Med Phys. 2004 Jun;31(6):1576-86.
- Thomas S, Hendee W, Paliwal B The ABR maintenance of Certification Program for medical Physicist, Medical physics, 1754, Vol. 31, No.6, June 2004
- Maon R, Jaradat H, Patel R, Zhang T, Fenwick J, Tome W, Fowler J, Paliwal B, Soisson E, Yuan Z, and Mehta, M. CT-based analysis of free breathing (FB) vs. maximum inspiratory breath hold (MIBH) techniques for conformal radiation therapy in lung cancer and the potential for dose-escalation. Submitted, Int J Radiat Onc, Biol & Phys, May 2004.
- Paliwal BR: IMRT may be used to excess because of its higher reimbursement from Medicare. For the proposition. Med Phys. 2004 Jan;31(1):1-2.
- Zhang T, Orton N, Mackie T, and Paliwal B. Technical note: A novel boundary condition using contact elements for finite element based deformable image registration. Med Phys 2004;31(9): 2412-2415.
- Hui S, Das R, Kapatoes J, Oliviera O, Becker S, Odau H, JD, Patel R, Kuske R, Mehta M, Paliwal B Mackie TR, Fowler JF, Welsh JS. Helical tomotherapy as a means of delivering accelerated partial breast irradiation Technol in Cancer Research and Treatment 2004;3(6):639-646.
- Fenwick J, Tom W, Jadarat H, Hui S, James J, Balog J, DeSouza C, Lucas D, Olivera G, Mackie T, Paliwal B. Quality assurance of a helical tomotherapy machine. Phys Med Biol 2004; 49(13):2933-2953.
- Zhang T, Jeraj R, Keller H, Lu W, Olivera GH, McNutt TR, Mackie TR, Paliwal B. Treatment plan optimization incorporating respiratory motion. Med Phys. 2004 Jun;31(6):1576-86.
- Zhang T, Keller H, O’Brien M Mackie T, Paliwal B: Application of the Spirometer in Respiratory Gated Radiotherapy. Med Phys 30(12):3165-3171, 2003.
- Richardson SL, Tom WA, Orton NP, McNutt TR, Paliwal BR: IMRT Delivery Verification using a Spiral Phantom with Optical Guidance. Med Phys 30(9):2553-2558, 2003.
- Manon RR, Patel R, Zhang T, Henderson D, Tome W, Fenwick J, Paliwal B, Mehta M: CT-based analysis of free-breathing vs. maximum inspiratory breath hold techniques for 3-D conformal radiation therapy and intensity modulated radiation therapy in lung cancer: a potential basis for dose-escalation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57(2 Suppl):S417, 2003.
- Sheng K, Jeraj R, Keller H, Mackie TR, Paliwal B: A phantom study of intra-fractional image acquisition and dose calculation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57(2 Suppl):S187-S188, 2003.
- Zhang T, Keller H, Jeraj R, Manon R, Welsh J, Patel R, Fenwick J, Mehta M, Mackie TR, Paliwal B: Breathing synchronized delivery – a new technique for radiation treatment of the targets with respiratory motion. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 57(2 Suppl):S185-S186, 2003.
- Paliwal B, J P Balog, T R Mackie, Mehta M, M A Ritter, P M Harari, G H Olivera: Technical Aspects of the University of Wisconsin Tomotherapy Unit. J Applied Clin Med Phys (submitted).
- Balog J, Mackie TR, Pearson D, Hui S, Paliwal B, Jeraj R: Benchmarking beam alignment for a clinical helical tomotherapy device. Med Phys 30(6):1118-1127, 2003.
- Mackie TR, J Kapatoes, K Ruchala, W Lu, C Wu, G Olivera, L Forrest, WA Tome, J Welsh, R Jeraj, P Harari, P Reckwerdt, B Paliwal, M Ritter, H Keller, Mehta M: Image Guidance for Precise Conformal Radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 56(1): 89-105, 2003.
- Song S., Tom W, Olivera G, Smilowitz J, Paliwal B, Mackie, T, Kuske, R:. Accelerated Intensity Modulated Partial Breast Radiotherapy in Prone Position. In: Symposium Proceedings No. 12. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Paliwal BR (ed). Madison, WI. 2002, 312-313.
- Mehta M, Scrimger R, Mackie R, Paliwal B, Chappell R, Fowler J: A new approach to dose escalation in non-small cell lung cancer. In: Symposium Proceedings No. 12. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Paliwal BR (ed). Madison, WI. 2002, 275-291.
- Shrivastava P, Paliwal B: Radiation Safety, IMRT and Tomotherapy. In: Symposium Proceedings No. 12. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Paliwal BR (ed). Madison, WI. 2002, 253-255.
- Paliwal B: A Perspective on Advances in Radiation Oncology Technology. In: Symposium Proceedings No. 12. American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Paliwal BR (ed). Madison, WI. 2002, 3-5.
- Elhanafy OA, Das RK, Paliwal BR, Migahed MD, Sakr HA, Elleithy M, Anatomic variation of prescription points and treatment volume with fractionated high-dose rate gynecological brachytherapy, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics [electronic Resource] / American College of Medical Physics, 3(1), 1-5, Winter 2002
- Miranpuri AS, Tome WA, Paliwal BR, Kesslering C, Mehta MP, Assessment of patient-independent intrinsic error for a noninvasive frame for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy, International Journal of Cancer. Journal International Du Cancer, 96(5), 320-5, October 2001
- Mehta M, Scrimger R, Mackie R, Paliwal B, Chappell R, Fowler J, A new approach to dose escalation in non-small cell lung cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 49(1), 23-33, 2001
- Johnson TK, Paliwal BR, Candidacy for board certification in radiological/medical physics should be restricted to graduates of accredited training programs, Medical Physics, 27(5), 825-7, May 2000
- Tome WA, Steeves RA, Paliwal BR, On the use of virtual simulation in radiotherapy of the intact breast, Journal of Applied Clinical Physics, 1(2), 58-67, 2000
- Tome W, Mehta M, Paliwal B, From roots to realizations-radiosurgery, ADVANCE for Administrators in Radiology and Radiation Oncology, 10(7), 45-50, 2000
- Thomadsen BR, Paliwal BR, Petereit DG, RAnallo FN, Radiation injury from x-ray exposure during brachytherapy localization, Medical Physics, 27(7), 1681-1684, 2000
- Paliwal BR, Tom WA, Richardson S, and Mackie TR, A Spiral Phantom for IMRT and Tomotherapy Delivery Verification, Medical Physics, 27(11), 2509-2507, 2000
- Gentry J, Steeves R, Paliwal B, Mehta M, The Operational Impact of a Program to Measure and Monitor Radiation Dose to External Beam Patients, The Journal of Oncology Management, 9(5), 10-15, 2000
- Gentry Jr, Hartje S, Stitt Ja, Steeves RA, Paliwal BR, Mehta MP, Use of Digital Technology Improves Documentation and Decreases Costs in Radiation Oncology, Journal of Oncology Management, 8(2), 10-13, 1999
- McNutt TR, Mackie TR, Paliwal BR: Analysis and Convergence of the Iterative Convolution/Superposition Dose Reconstruction Technique for Multiple Treatment Beams and Tomotherapy. Med. Phys. 24(9): 465-476, 1997.
- Paliwal BR, Tome WA, Rirchardson S, and Mackie TR. A Spiral Phantom for IMRT and Tomotherapy Delivery Verification. Med Phys. 2000 Nov; 27(11): 2503-7.
- Mehta M, Scrimger R, Mackie R, Paliwal B, Chappell R, Fowler J: A new approach to dose escalation in non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2001 Jan 1;49(1):23-33.
- Miranpuri AS, Tome WA, Paliwal BR, Kesslering C, Mehta MP: Assessment of patient-independent intrinsic error for a noninvasive frame for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. 2001 Oct 20;96(5):320-5.
- Elhanafy OA, Das RK, Paliwal BR, Migahed MD, Sakr HA, Elleithy M: Anatomic variation of prescription points and treatment volume with fractionated high-dose rate gynecological brachytherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2002 Winter;3(1):1-5.
- Mackie TR, J Kapatoes, K Ruchala, W Lu, C Wu, G Olivera, L Forrest, WA Tome, J Welsh, R Jeraj, P Harari, P Reckwerdt, B Paliwal, M Ritter, H Keller, Mehta M: Image guidance for precise conformal radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003;May 1;56(1):89-105. Review. helical tomotherapy device. 2003 Jun;30(6):1118-27.
- Sheng K, Jeraj R, Keller H, Mackie T, Paliwal B: A phantom study of intra-fractional image acquisition and dose calculation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003;57(2 Suppl):S187-S188.
- Richardson SL, Tom WA, Orton NP, McNutt TR, Paliwal BR: IMRT delivery verification using a spiral phantom. Med Phys. 2003 Sep;30(9):2553-8.
- Zhang T, Keller H, O’Brien M, Mackie T, Paliwal B: Application of the spirometer in respiratory gated radiotherapy. 2003 Dec;30(12):3165-71.
- Zhang T, Jeraj R, Keller H, Lu W, Olivera GH, McNutt TR, Mackie TR, Paliwal B: Treatment plan optimization incorporating respiratory motion. Med Phys. 2004 Jun;31(6):1576-86.
- Hui S, Das R, Kapatoes J, Olivera O, Becker S, Odau H, JD, Patel R, Kuske R, Mehta M, Paliwal B Mackie TR, Fowler JF, Welsh JS: Helical tomotherapy as a means of delivering accelerated partial breast irradiation. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2004 Dec;3(6):639-46.
- Zhang T, Orton N, Mackie T, and Paliwal B: Technical note: A novel boundary condition using contact elements for finite element based deformable image registration. 2004 Sep;31(9):2412-5.
- Paliwal BR: IMRT may be used to excess because of its higher reimbursement from Medicare. For the proposition. Med Phys. 2004 Jan;31(1):1-2.
- Fenwick J, Tome W, Jaradat H, Hui S, James J, Balog J, DeSouza C, Lucas D, Olivera G, Mackie T, and Paliwal B: Quality assurance of a helical tomotherapy machine. Phys Med Biol. 2004 Jul 7;49(13):2933-53.
- Sheng K, Jeraj R, Shaw R, Mackie T, and Paliwal B: Imaging dose management using multi-resolution in CT-guided radiation therapy. 2005 Mar 21;50(6):1205-19. Epub 2005 Mar 2.
- Manon R, Jaradat H, Patel R, Zhang T, Fenwick J, Tome W, Fowler J, Paliwal B, Soisson E, Yuan Z, Mehta, M: Potential for radiotherapy technology innovations to permit dose escalation for non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 2005 Sep;7(2):107-13.
- Manon R, Jaradat H, Patel R, Zhang T, Fenwick J, Tome W, Fowler J, Paliwal B, Soisson E, Yuan Z, and Mehta, M: Potential for radiotherapy technology innovations to permit dose escalation for non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 2005;7(2):107-113.
- Paliwal B. Medical physics practice in the next decade. J Med Phys [serial online] 2006 [cited 2008 Feb 12];31:98-108. Available from:
- Thomas SR, Morin RL, Paliwal BR: American Board of Radiology. Maintenance of certification in radiologic physics. J Am Col Radiol. 2006 Apr;3(4):299.
- Gentry J, Steeves R, Paliwal B: Inverse Planning of Energy-Modulated Electron Beams in Radiotherapy. Med Dosim. 2006 Winter;31(4):259-68.
- Tewatia D, Zhang T, Tome W, Paliwal B, Mehta M: Clinical implementation of target tracking by breathing synchronized delivery. Med Physics. 2006 Nov;33(11):4330-6.
- Welsh J, Lock M, Harari P, Tome W, Fowler J, Mackie T, Ritter M, Kapatoes J, Forrest L, Chappell R, Paliwal B, Mehta M: Clinical implementation of adaptive helical tomotherapy: a unique approach to image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2006 Oct;5(5):465-79.
- Zhang T, Lu W, Olivera G, Keller H, Jeraj R, Manon R, Mehta M, Mackie T, Paliwal B. Breathing-Synchronized Delivery: A Potential Four-Dimensional Tomotherapy Treatment Technique. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Aug 1;68(5):1572-8. Epub 2007 Jun 14.
- Frey GD, Ibbott GS, Morin RL, Paliwal BR, Thomas SR, Bosma J: The American Board of Radiology Perspective on Maintenance of Certification: Part IV: Practice quality improvement in radiologic physics. Med Phys 2007 Nov;34(11):4158-63.
- American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
- American Board of Medical Physics (ABMP)
- American Board of Radiology (ABR), Radiologic Physics Trustee
- American College of Medical Physics (ACMP)
- American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO)
- American College of Radiology (ACR)
- American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)
- Association of Medical Physics of India (AMPI)
- Commission of Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Program (CAMPEP)
- Health Physics Society (HPS)
- International Hyperthermia Society (IHS)
- North American Hyperthermia Group (NAHG)
- North Central Chapter American Association of Physicists in Medicine (NCAAPM)
- Radiation Research Society (RRS)
- Wisconsin Radiological Society (WRS)