This spring we invited our students to participate in our 1st ever student images & photo contest! The contest offered two categories for submission – science and people. Twenty images were submitted and voting was open to the entire department. We are pleased to announce this year’s top choices!

1st Place – Science Category
Submitted by: Alma Spahic
Caption: This photo captures the intricate network of blood vessels that make up the cerebral vasculature, shown in a sagittal view. Simulated streamlines overlaid on the image represent the flow of blood through these vessels, visualizing the dynamics of blood circulation. To create this image, we used 4D flow MRI, a powerful imaging technique that allows us to map blood flow in three dimensions over time. The different colors indicate the speed of the blood flow, with blue indicating slower blood velocities and red representing the fastest. Furthermore, an arteriovenous malformation (AVM), an abnormal tangle of blood vessels that do not follow the normal branching pattern of the cerebral vasculature, can be seen in the upper left part of the image. With 4D flow MRI, radiologists and physicians can identify regions of disturbed blood flow and pinpoint the location of an AVM. This information can be critical for diagnosis and treatment planning in patients with AVMs, and illustrates the important role of advanced imaging techniques in modern medicine.

1st Place – People Category
Submitted by: Jiayi Tang
Caption: Students in the MP 566 Radiotherapy Lab study a Cherenkov radiation camera (foreground right.)